Orlandus Lassus
Original Text |
English Translation |
Hail to thee, Queen, mother of
mercy! |
dulcedo et spes nostra, salve! |
Our life, our consolation, and
our hope, hail to thee! |
Ad te clamamus exules filii Evae. |
To thee we cry, we, the banished
children of Eve. |
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes, |
To thee we sigh, sorrowing and
weeping, |
in hac lacrymarum valle. |
in this vale of tears. |
Eja ergo, advocata nostra, |
Oh thou, our advocate, |
oculos tuos ad
nos converte. |
turn thine eyes upon us. |
Et post hoc exilium ostende nobis Jesum, |
And after our exile show to us
Jesus, |
fructum ventris tui, |
the fruit of thy womb. |
O clemens, o pia, |
Oh compassionate, oh pious, |
o dulcis virgo Maria! |
oh sweet Virgin Mary! |